SM2026 - Tissue Machine Beloit Fampa, 2,700mm Toilet & Napkin, MG papers, 400m/min, 20tpd
- Fabric width: 2.700 mm
- Paper width at the winder: 2.500 mm
- Maximum operating speed: 400 mpm
- Max. diameter of tambour reel 1800 mm
- Condition Good
- Machine supplier: BELOIT FAMPA - Polonia
- Year of manufacture: December 1986
- Stopped: September 2003
- Produced paper grades:Toilet crepes tissue - 30gsm,
- Tissue for napkins 25 g/m2, MG 25 – 90 g/m2
- Production capacity:18 - 20 tpd
- Production capacity: 6 000 tons per year (by 330 working days)
- Operating speed: Max. 400 m/min
- Width of wire: 2,700 mm
- Paper trimmed width: 2,500 mm
- Max.diam. of tambour: 1,800 mm
- Used furnish: Virgin pulp
- Possibility of furnish: All mixture of virgin pulp and waste paper
- N.B. Waste paper stock preparation is not included in the offer
- Head box
- Stock centrifugal pump for 1st Stage L.C.C. feeding.
- Stock centrifugal pump for 2nd Stage L.C.C. feeding.
- 1st Stage L.C.C. cleaners
- 2nd Stage L.C.C. cleaners
- Pressure screen
- Fan Pump for Paper Machine stock feeding
- Auxiliaries – pumps, agitators and propellers, water pumps, stock tanks,
- Type : Hydraulic
- Control : Manually lip contro
- Material : the parts in contact with the stock made from stainless steel AISI 316
- Type : Converflo wire table
- Wire construction : cantilevered
- Width of wire : 2,700 mm
- Length of wire :14,800 mm
- Consisting of following components:
- Breast roll
- Length: 2 800 m
- diameter: 510 mm
- Dewatering elements:
- Foil boxes with 3 foils 7 pcs
- Hydrofoils boxes 3 pcs
- Suction boxes 3 pcs
- Couch roll
- Length: 2880mm
- diameter: 510 mm
- Turning roll 4 pcs
- Wire guiding rolls
- Manual adjustment of vacuum
- Tensioning system of the wire
- Regulator for the guiding of wire
- Couch chest with Stock agitator propellers
Yankee cylinder
- Diameter 2 400 mm
- Length 2.675 mm
- Material cast iron
- Pressure in the Yankee 4 bar
- Doctor blades 2 pcs
Press part
- Having a separate press and 2 pcs press rolls on the Yankee cylinder:
- Pick up box
- press suction roll TypeVenta
- nip max. press 589 N/cm
- driving by el. motor
- press roll in contact with Yankee cylinder
- blind drilled
- material steel covered with rubber
- diameter 605 mm
- max. press 80 kg/cm
- Automatic guidance of felt
- Device for tensioning the felt
- Guiding rolls for bottom felt 11 pcs
- Spiral guiding rolls 2 pcs
- Conditioning of felt
- suction box for felt 3 pcs
- Two zones hood with recuperation and air mixing
- Steam heated
- Air recuperation
- After drying group
- Drying cylinders 5 pcs
- Diameter 1500 mm
- Steam pressure 4 bars
- Doctor blades oscilating with electrical motors
- Felt tensioning and guiding system
- Hood
Steam condensate system
- Unit with pneumatic control valves
- Condensate chest
- Pumps
- Supplier FAMPA
- Type POPE
- Diameter of pope roll 610 mm
- Length of pope roll 2675 mm
- Doctor blade yes
- Oscillating doctor blade
- Water ring vacuum Pump 4 pcs
- Type WP40-S
- Capacity each of them40 m3/min
- Auxiliaries, water separators, drive systems, piping, fittings and gauges
- El. cabinets
- Control desks
- Drives
- Main motors with gear boxes
- couch roll
- wire turning roll
- first press bottom roll
- Second press
- Yankee cylinder
- After drying group
- pope reel
- Belt conveyor :1 pcs
- Hydrapulper :1 pcs
- Stock pump from hydrapulper : 1 pcs
- Double disc refiner :1 pcs
- Lubrication unit
- Pressure air distribution unit